Now that it is 2023, everyone is talking about one thing- New Year’s Resolutions. I’m not against New Year’s Resolutions, but sometimes they don’t last for longer than a couple weeks into the New Year. People set themselves up for failure because they set such lofty goals that aren’t attainable for the long run.

Instead of doing that, I like the idea of setting some habits to work at. You won’t be perfect. You’ll have days that you don’t follow through, but those days won’t stop you. Because if everyday you are intentional and try your best, you won’t feel like a failure if your goal is just to be intentional versus something unattainable (like workout 7 days a week, never eat any sugar, wake up at 5am everyday, etc).

Here are a couple of things that I want to be intentional with and create a good habit doing:

Read before bed.

My husband reads before bed every night. And I get in and out of the habit of doing so myself. But I love when I do! Him & I sit next to one another in bed and share things about the books we’re reading. And I know it’s better to read a book rather than scroll on my phone before I go to sleep.

Drink more water.

This is something I started being more intentional with at the end of November. With little kids, I find that it’s easy to just forget to drink water. Drinking water is such a healthy habit. When I think about it, I try and chug a few ounces at a time. A cute cup/tumbler always helps me be more successful in this too.

Put my phone to sleep before I do.

I used to be so good at turning my phone off at 8pm and not touching it until 8am. I think time off screens is so good & I need to get back into this healthy habit.

Wake up before my kids Monday-Friday.

Most days I set my alarm for sometime between 5-6:30am. And the days I’m up & ready before the kids are my best days. Having a bit of time before anyone else is awake is extremely peaceful. I have the lights dimmed, light a candle, & enjoy the silence of getting ready with no noise.

Eat more fruits & vegetables.

This is always a good thing- to eat better. Just to be more intentional with each meal having fruits & veggies. No more explanation needed.

Be more okay with silence.

It’s hard for me to have silence. I find myself filling up every bit of silence with something- music, YouTube, Marco Polo, etc. I want to use the time I do have to pray more, talk to God more, and just be. I don’t need noise filling up every space.

What healthy habits do you have for the New Year?

Tia Marie

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