If you didn’t read my most previous blog, you are just now finding out that I AM PREGNANT! We have 2 precious babies and the third will be joining us in May of 2024. With a 3rd baby there aren’t really many things you need, especially because I have one of each gender already, so I should be set with most things. But, with a 3rd on the way, it has made me think if there are any products that could help me be more hands-free since I will have 3 under 3 years old when this baby comes. I have not purchased any of these yet, but here is where my list is at as of right now and why I’d like each item before the next baby arrives. My husband and I try to be pretty minimal with what we own, especially for our children. I don’t think every gadget is necessary, but these are a couple items I do think would be worth it!

Stroller Caddy I used to have one of these but it got lost through our move at the beginning of the year. Having a caddy on the stroller is so helpful to hold all the things your baby & toddlers need (as well as your own beverage, snacks, etc.).

Wild Bird Carrier After our first baby was born, I sold our wrap because it just didn’t work great for us. He was such a large baby that it always felt awkward to use. We have one carrier still that we’ll use on occasion but it’s meant for hiking so it’s more bulky. I love this brand and have always dreamed of having one of their carriers but have never felt the need to splurge on it. It can be worn on your front or your back, so it grows well with your child too. Then, I can carry the baby on me while still taking care of my other kiddos. And my older two could actually still be worn in it too, if needed!

Baby Bjorn Bouncer My sister in law just had a baby and she got one of these. I’ve seen so many people use them so baby has a place to “sit” while they cook, shower, etc., and I feel like there would be such high usage for this with a third baby!

Kid’s Wagon I think a wagon would be so useful for the older kids instead of a stroller. I have a double stroller, which is amazing, but a wagon could work really smoothly for trips to the zoo, at the mall, at the park, etc. when I need kids “strapped” in somewhere but with a third, they won’t all 3 fit in the stroller.

What items did you not think you needed for your kids but decided later on would come in handy?

Tia Marie

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