I love productivity. You could say I actually thrive off of being productive. Weird, right?

I love seeing a mess and then a few minutes later, after putting in some work, seeing a clean & transformed space. I love taking a decluttered space and organizing it to what works best for my family at that time.

If you’re familiar with the enneagram, I am a One. Basically, I like cleaning, decluttering, being productive, etc., putting it simply. Any other Ones out there?!

My kids take 3 hours naps still (#blessed) & during that time is when I get most of my housework done each day. I want to quickly walk you through that time and how I accomplish what I do. I’d love to also give some tips on how I accomplish what I do if you find yourself in a season where you productivity isn’t where you’d like it to be.

My first tip would be to write out a to-do list. Anyone else love marking things off lists?? It makes me actually see what I’ve accomplished and makes me want to accomplish more. It gives me a rush haha. Sometimes I’ll write out a daily checklist and sometimes it’ll be weekly. It kind of just depends on the week and the amount of things I’d like to get done.

Have some sort of routine/schedule when it comes to what needs to get done. For example, I really like getting one load of laundry done everyday. In order for this to be most effective (and actually get done), I try to get the load in the wash as early as I can so that by the time nap time comes around, it’s dry and ready to be folded/put away. I also try to wash bed sheets once a week. Setting a specific day to do specific tasks can be a wonderful way to evenly distribute tasks. There will be the tasks that need to be done everyday (putting toys away, dishes, laundry, etc.) but there are also tasks that need to be done less often but still weekly (cleaning the bathroom, washing sheets, etc.).

It helps to write out the things you’d like to accomplish during a period of time and stick to that. If you’re like me, you’re constantly looking (and finding) more and more things to do and then you’re left feeling tired and not having any remaining free time to actually do something for you. But, if you have three hours and say, “these are the 5 things I need to do and then I can do ____,” it’ll help you stick to that and leave some allotted time for yourself. And I bet you’ll work faster knowing that a “reward” is waiting. My “rewards” are usually reading a book or editing a YouTube video.

Another thing that helps me stay productive is listening/watching something while doing housework. I keep in touch with a few friends through Macro Polo, so I usually catch up on those during this time of my day. I will also listen/watch some podcast/YT videos. It makes the work more fun for me.

Recently, I’ve been more intentional about leaving time for myself while my kids nap. Housework is important but I also know it’s important to give myself rest so I can have more strength to finish the day strong. Make sure to prioritize you too! Productivity is important but your soul is more important so make sure that is the priority! And along these same lines, my husband and I get up early everyday. During this time, we are spending time with Jesus and exercising. It’s a sacrifice but it means we are starting our days off with Jesus, because He is the only one who can give us the strength we need.

These are a few things I do to stay productive as a stay at home mom with two little kids and a busy schedule. I hope they help you in some way this week. 🙂

Tia Marie

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